




The series begins when suspected human remains are uncovered on Whitney Marsh - Jess and Sunny are immediately called to the scene, abandoning their evening plans to Jess’s husband’s chagrin. Dr Balcombe’s analysis reveals that the remains are relatively recent and suggest a grim conclusion the body was placed there already dismembered. With this insight, Jess and Sunny intensify their search certain that other body parts may not be far away.  As the investigation unfolds, viewers are introduced to a diverse new cast of characters Melinda Ricci, an outspoken television commentator based in Ireland; Martin ‘Marty’ Baines, an autistic man living with his mother Dot in Deal, Kent; Asif Syed, an Afghan training for his UK citizenship test; and Juliet Cooper, a history lecturer and faculty head at a London university.  While these characters live seemingly separate lives, they are intricately connected by their pasts. It’s up to Jess, Sunny, and their dedicated team to uncover these hidden links and ultimately expose the truth behind the cold case murder.
Virdee is a new detective series based on AA Dhand’s best-selling crime novels.  The series introduces Detective Harry Virdee (Sacha Dhawan), a Bradford cop disowned by his Sikh family for marrying Saima, who is Muslim. Harry struggles with the abandonment, constantly attempting to reunite with his family. With his personal life in chaos, he must hunt down a killer targeting the Asian community.  When the murderer kidnaps a local MP’s daughter in Bradford and holds the entire city to ransom, Harry realises that he is going to need the help of his brother-in-law Riaz, a drugs kingpin who runs the largest cartel in the county. Pulled together in an alliance that could ruin them both, Harry must make a choice save himself and his family or save his city. He will not be able to do both.
讲述尼莫船长和他充满传奇性的潜水艇“鹦鹉螺号”的起源故事。尼莫(沙扎德·拉蒂夫 饰),一个印度王子,他被剥夺了权利和家庭,成为东印度公司的囚徒,想要向夺走了自己的一切的势力复仇。此后他开始航海之旅,一边抵抗敌人,一边发现那些有魔力的水下世界。
犯罪心理:超越边界 第一季
《犯罪心理:穿越国界 Criminal Minds Beyond Borders》为《犯罪心理》的衍生剧,主要围绕FBI探员如何帮助国外居住的美国公民解决问题而展开。Gary Sinise:饰演Jack Garrett,在FBI待了20年,刚刚被指派负责这个部门。Tyler James Williams:饰演队中的技术分析员Monty,是个讨喜而又聪明的角色,平常在家工作,他对陷入困境的家庭以事无巨细的方式处理,协助队伍找到被遗留的线索,以及找到远在海外的真凶。Daniel Henney:Matt Simmons,不仅是一位在国外长大的军人还是一个居家好男人,喜欢探索和融入不同的文化,最重要的是他的侧写能力对整个团队致为关键。
The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corby were subsequently found to be three times higher than those of children born.
当一桩丑闻迫使艾拉·戈登(凯特·哈德森饰)的哥哥辞职后,她被任命为 Los Angeles Waves 的总裁。这是最具传奇意义的职业篮球球队之一,也是她的家族企业。伊丝拉雄心勃勃,却经常被忽视。她必须向持怀疑态度的兄弟们、董事会和更广泛的体育界证明自己是这份工作的正确人选。《男篮女主》由热门制作团队敏迪·卡灵、伊克·巴里霍尔兹和大卫·斯塔森打造,为逆袭喜剧注入了大胆的新元素。这部 10 集剧集的主演阵容还包括布兰达·宋、德鲁·塔弗、斯科特·麦克阿瑟、法布里齐奥·吉多、托比·桑德曼、切特·汉克斯、杰·埃利斯和马克思·格林菲尔德。
加长为13集的当今美国最高收视西部题材影集之一、艾美奖获奖作品《地狱之轮》第四季将于北京时间8月3日回归,今年将采取特别编排模式:由8月3日至10月5日播出第一部分,随后让位于AMC电影栏目《AMC尖叫之夜》(AMC FearFest),至11月9日回归播出剩余三集的第 二部分。  更换了制作人、调整了主线、移至竞争不甚激烈的周六档后,《地狱之轮》第三季收视和媒体评价明显好转:第三季的单集直播 三日回放平均收视为330万人,较第二季(240万)上涨37.5%,较第一季(300万)上涨10%,同时帮助AMC周六黄金档收视提升97%,全天收视提升152%。第三季《地狱之轮》是该剧收视最高的一季,亦是Metacritic和AVclub上媒体与编辑评价最高的一季,成为AMC继四届艾美奖最佳影集《广告狂人》、艾美奖最佳影集《绝命毒师》、艾美奖获奖作品《行尸走肉》和艾美奖提名影集《谋杀》后第五部媒体评分高于70分的作品,亦是继《谋杀》后AMC首部13集预定的作品。  《地狱之轮》第三季的结尾,Cullen Bohannon(Anson Mount饰)迎娶了怀上自己骨肉的Naomi,并定居在了妻子的摩门教家庭中。在Bohannon居住的这块摩门教要塞地,奇迹般生还下来的瑞典佬(Christopher Heyerdahl饰)继续假扮教会领袖;Thomas “Doc” Durant (Colm Meaney饰) 回归继续担任联合太平洋铁路公司负责人,并已经将他们的铁路终点向西推进到夏延山; Elam (Common饰演)在寻找失散的Cullen途中遭到灰熊的伏击身负重伤。第四季中,现代文明跟随着铁路修筑的脚步继续向西进发,随之而去的心怀不轨的人不仅仅是过去舞刀弄剑的杀手,还有执笔的报社记者。剧集的焦点仍会汇集在政府、铁路公司、牧场主与农场主之间围绕着“大平原风水宝地”夏延山与全美最重要的铁路运输中心的利益争夺。第四季同时亦会有多名新角色加入,包括John Campbell (Jake Weber饰,曾出演《灵媒缉凶》、《杀手信徒》)。  《地狱之轮》由曾监制《陨落星辰》、《终结者外传》和《暗侠》的John Wirth制作,Mark Richard、Jeremy Gold、Paul Kurta联合制作。  AMC将仿效《地狱之轮》第三季提振收视的做法为该剧第四季继续安排周六一整天的西部电影做前导,包括《马语者》、《绝命终结者》、《猛虎过山》和外购迷你剧《月满荒原》。
Follows Morgan, a single mother of three with a brilliant mind, as she rearranges some evidence during her shift as a cleaner for the police department, aiding in the resolution of an unsolvable case.

