



1960年捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳导演水晶球奖。  Originally titled Seryozha, the Russian A Summer to Remember was co-adapted by Vera Panova from her own short story. War and Peace director Sergei Bondarchuk plays the new stepfather of young Seryozha (Borya Barkhatov). So close do the stepfather and the boy become in the months following their meeting that, when time comes for the boy to move on in life, he refuses to leave his new dad's side. Their summer idyll takes place on a Soviet collective farm, managed by Bondarchuk and depicted by novice filmmakers Georgiy Daneliya and Igor Talankin in the most glowing and apolitical of terms. Though there isn't much to the plot, the film admirably succeeds as a sort of cinematic tone poem.  From All Movie Guide Russian filmmaker Georgi Daneliya ranks among his country's most popular directors of satirical comedies. The Georgia-born Daneliya comes from a distinguished family of film performers; his grandmother, Veriko Andzhaparidze, was a famed Georgian silent film actress, his cousin, Sofiko Chiaureli, is also a major actress, and his mother, Meri Andzhaparidze, spent more than a decade at Mosfilm Studios. However, he first chose to train as an architect (perhaps out of respect for his father, an engineer). Following his graduation in 1955, Daneliya worked only briefly in that field when he decided he'd rather be in films, enrolling in Mosfilm Studios' Directors' Courses in 1958. In 1960, Daneliya co-directed SeryozhaA Summer to Remember with Igor Talankin. Two years later, he made his solo directorial debut, Put K PrichaluThe Way to the Wharf (1962). His 1969 comedy Ne Goryuy!Don't Worry! successfully blended humor and melancholy, a device that would become Daneliya's trademark. In addition to directing, Daneliya co-authors the scripts for his films and occasionally works on screenplays for other directors. Daneliya has won numerous national and international awards for his work. In 1964, his Ya Shagayu po MoskveI Walk Around Moscow received an honorable mention at the Cannes Film Festival, while in 1975 Afonya received a special award at the All Union Festival, a major U.S.S.R. event. Daneliya's biggest hit in the U.S.S.R., Mimino (1977), earned the special prize at the Moscow International Film Festival and the U.S.S.R. State Prize. In 1991, Daneliya earned the Nika Award (the Russian equivalent to an Oscar) for Best Screenplay for Pasport (1990).


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讲述了两名天主教司祭被卷入事件中以及由此展开的一系列故事。  金司祭(金允石 饰)因总是擅自行动而被教会其他司祭所排挤,更为了拯救因一宗神秘交通事故而陷入危机的少女英申(朴洙垣 饰),在所有人的反对和怀疑中,做出了危险的选择,独自计划着所有的行动。神学院学生出身的崔副祭(姜栋元 饰),虽然曾是作弊又喝酒的不良学生,但具备了可以帮助金司祭的所有条件,于是他也加入到金司祭的计划中,帮助他一起拯救少女。他并不相信金司祭所作的一切,在帮助他的同时也担负起监视他的任务,与金司祭一起进行危险的仪式,却被卷入了意料之外的神秘事件。
The script is set in 1759. Mauritius is in the hands of the Kingdom of France. Massamba and Mati, two slaves in the plantation of Eugène Larcenet (Benot Magimel), live a life of fear and toil. He dreams for his daughter to be freed, while she longs to leave the green hell of sugarcane. One night, she runs away. Madame La Victoire (Camille Cottin), a famous slave huntress, is t...
在第12部故事片中,艾曼纽·莫雷特(Emmanuel Mouret)展示了三个有着不同态度和道德观念的亲密女性之间的爱情变化,她们捍卫自己的观点,主张自己的爱情选择。乔安娜离开了女儿的父亲维克多。尽管她相信自己的决定在道德上是正确的,但她还是忍受着可怕的后果。他最好的朋友桑德琳提倡一种理性的婚姻,一种没有爱但充满温柔的关系。与此同时,乔安娜的妹妹丽贝卡相信爱情是一种冒险,并与桑德琳的伴侣保持着一段秘密关系。
主人公是毕业于美术大学,但无法靠艺术安身立命的泽田(堂本刚 饰)。担任人气现代美术家助理的他丧失了独立的精神,已经习惯淡然地去按别人说的话做。有一天泽田在上班途中遭遇了事故,因手受伤失去了工作。回到家,地上有一只蚂蚁。以被那只蚂蚁引导画出的为契机,他的日常生活开始被侵蚀。
人气43 剧情片
2.0 2023 其它 HD

年份: 2023

主演: 谢尔盖·邦达尔丘克  

描述:1960年捷克卡罗维发利国际电影节最佳导演水晶球奖。  Originally titled Seryozha, the Russian A Summer to Remember was co-adapted by Vera Panova from her own short story. War and Peace director Sergei Bondarchuk plays the new stepfather of young Seryozha (Borya Barkhatov). So close do the stepfather and the boy become in the months following their meeting that, when time comes for the boy to move on in life, he refuses to leave his new dad's side. Their summer idyll takes place on a Soviet collective farm, managed by Bondarchuk and depicted by novice filmmakers Georgiy Daneliya and Igor Talankin in the most glowing and apolitical of terms. Though there isn't much to the plot, the film admirably succeeds as a sort of cinematic tone poem.  From All Movie Guide Russian filmmaker Georgi Daneliya ranks among his country's most popular directors of satirical comedies. The Georgia-born Daneliya comes from a distinguished family of film performers; his grandmother, Veriko Andzhaparidze, was a famed Georgian silent film actress, his cousin, Sofiko Chiaureli, is also a major actress, and his mother, Meri Andzhaparidze, spent more than a decade at Mosfilm Studios. However, he first chose to train as an architect (perhaps out of respect for his father, an engineer). Following his graduation in 1955, Daneliya worked only briefly in that field when he decided he'd rather be in films, enrolling in Mosfilm Studios' Directors' Courses in 1958. In 1960, Daneliya co-directed SeryozhaA Summer to Remember with Igor Talankin. Two years later, he made his solo directorial debut, Put K PrichaluThe Way to the Wharf (1962). His 1969 comedy Ne Goryuy!Don't Worry! successfully blended humor and melancholy, a device that would become Daneliya's trademark. In addition to directing, Daneliya co-authors the scripts for his films and occasionally works on screenplays for other directors. Daneliya has won numerous national and international awards for his work. In 1964, his Ya Shagayu po MoskveI Walk Around Moscow received an honorable mention at the Cannes Film Festival, while in 1975 Afonya received a special award at the All Union Festival, a major U.S.S.R. event. Daneliya's biggest hit in the U.S.S.R., Mimino (1977), earned the special prize at the Moscow International Film Festival and the U.S.S.R. State Prize. In 1991, Daneliya earned the Nika Award (the Russian equivalent to an Oscar) for Best Screenplay for Pasport (1990).


