影片是《蚁人》系列的第三部作品,同时也是漫威电影宇宙第五阶段的揭幕之作。故事发生于《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》之后,“蚁人”斯科特·朗(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)和“黄蜂女”霍普·凡·戴恩(伊万杰琳·莉莉 Evangeline Lilly 饰)成了拯救世界的英雄人物,皮姆博士与久违归来的珍妮特 也享受着平静的半退休生活,然而因为意外他们和斯科特的女儿凯茜(凯瑟琳·纽 顿 Kathryn Newton 饰)一起误入量子领域,在这个充满危险的未知世界遭遇了漫威电影宇宙最强反派——征服者康(乔纳森·梅杰斯 Jonathan Majors 饰),开始了一场超越他们想象极限的冒险。
A scientist performing illegal stem cell research is trying to find a cure for cancer. After the transfer of shark cells is made into a human test subject, the ill man gets well again and it looks like the treatment was a success. But the experiment goes wrong, and the man transforms into monster half-shark
half-human. But the scientist knows how to use this to his advantage. He has invited some of his old pals to the island and is hoping to take revenge on them with his new creature. But do they have any tricks up their sleeve
After her job and relationship implode on the same day, Sofia starts from scratch and meets a dashing Spanish chef who might be her missing ingredient.
Carter meets Toni and impulsively marry him to find that they disagree on everything. They separate and seven years later on the eve before their divorce they meet again and spend the night together.
故事发生在1936年的英国伦敦,里奇(保罗·贝坦尼 Paul Bettany 饰)是一位拥有着大好前途的银行实业家。然而,事业上的成功却并不能弥补里奇婚姻中的缺憾,他和妻子玛德琳(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams 饰)之间的关系早已经名存实亡。 玛德琳的妹妹蒂娜(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)要来家中小住,蒂娜是一名艺术家,她那无拘无束的举止和古灵精怪的性格很快就吸引了里奇的注意,随着时间的推移,两人终于决定坦诚相待,越过了伦理和道德的界限。之后,蒂娜怀上了里奇的孩子,遗憾的是,孩子并没有能够平安的诞生,与此同时,里奇亦意识到,对于眼前所发生的一切,一直保持沉默的玛德琳并非一无所知。